Sanofi in discussions to sell a controlling stake in Opella Paris, . Sanofi today announces that the company has entered into negotiations with CD&R for the potential sale of ...
Les résultats du troisième trimestre 2024 seront commentés par le management au cours d'un webcast audio en direct avec la communauté financière. La présentation sera suivie d'une session de questions ...
Communiqué de presse : Approbation du Sarclisa aux États-Unis : premier anti-CD38, en association avec un traitement conventionnel, pour les patients atteints d ...
Third quarter 2024 results will be reviewed by management during a live audio webcast with the financial community. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. We’re proud to be premium ...
New Beyfortus data featured at IDWeek reinforce real-world effectiveness against RSV disease and hospitalization in infants Paris, . Sanofi advances its ambition to protect ...
John Sundy is currently Chief Medical Officer and Head of Research and Development at Seicmic Therapeutic, a machine learning immunology company and is Adjunct Professor of Medicine in the Division of ...
100% of developing countries work towards the UNFCCC goal of having their NAPs in place by 2025, with all new NAPs including specific health targets reflecting national and sub-national priorities.
100 % des pays en développement Å“uvrent pour atteindre l'objectif de la CCNUCC d'avoir leurs PNA (Plans nationaux d'adaptation) en place d'ici 2025, avec l'inclusion dans chaque nouveau PNA ...
Parfois, l’innovation technologique peut provenir d’espace inattendus. Dans le développement de médicaments, cela signifie souvent l’intersection de technologies apparemment sans rapport ou de ...
Sometimes transformative technology comes from unexpected places. In drug development, that often means the intersection of seemingly unrelated technologies or esoteric areas of science. French ...
Bien que le phénomène de l’aggravation associée à l’inflammation neuroinflammatoire dans la sclérose en plaques soit largement reconnu par la communauté médicale, il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour ...
The phenomenon of smoldering-associated worsening in multiple sclerosis has been widely accepted by the medical community, yet much work is needed to fully integrate it into clinical practice.