© AKIpress News Agency - 2001-2024. Republication of any material is prohibited without a written agreement with AKIpress ...
Installation of special fences for protection from snow drifts has completed on Too-Ashuu and Ala-Bel passes, the Ministry of ...
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Akylbek Japarov has formed a state enterprise 'Femida boarding house' under Judicial ...
The Bishkek police on October 2 congratulated veterans of internal affairs agencies on the International Day of the Older ...
The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan passed the draft law on ratification of the Agreement on Deepening and Enhancing Allied ...
Some closed institutions accommodate about 1,000 convicts, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Penitentiary Service Kemel ...
A major repair is being carried out in the colony #16 in the village of Belovodskoe, the First Deputy Head of the State Penitentiary Service Kemel Sadykov said today at the session of the Parliament ...
President Sadyr Japarov departed to Italy and the Holy See on official visit, the president's press service reported ...
Kyrgyzstan exported 26,100 tons of dairy products in 9 months of 2024, Tazabek reported with reference to the Ministry of ...
299/5 Chingiz Aitmatov Prosp., Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic ...
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov instructed the Social Fund to transfer accumulated workers' health promotion contributions to the President's Affairs Office on a monthly basis ...
The number of profitable companies in Kyrgyzstan has grown by 23% in 2023, Tazabek reported with reference to the National ...