Social, digital and financial inclusion through informal adult learning. We offer free basic digital skills training throughout Stockport. Visit What's on in Stockport for details about our free ...
The documents below contain useful information, resources and enrichment ideas to help if you choose to educate your child at home: ...
Non-attendance at school Offences related to Education Penalty Notices Failure to comply with the directions under an Education Supervision Order Failure to comply with a School Attendance Order ...
Stockport Family will monitor and review Education Penalty Notices at regular intervals. The LA shall keep records of Education Penalty Notices which include: a copy of each notice issued a record of ...
Only two Notices to Improve can be issued to a parent in respect of the same child in any twelve month period.
Arrangements for making payment will be detailed in the Education Penalty Notice. The penalty is payable to the LA (through Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council). Payment of an Education Penalty ...
If parents/carers fail to provide a suitable education for their child, the council will identify a school for them and follow a legal process leading to the service of a School Attendance Order. A ...
There is no right of appeal against an Education Penalty Notice. However, there are limited grounds upon which Education Penalty Notices can be withdrawn (see section 7 above). Where a recipient ...
Throughout this code the term parent is used to refer to an individual who falls within the definition in section 576 of the Education Act 1996. This definition includes natural (biological) parents, ...
Schools will work with pupils and their parents/carers to improve attendance where it becomes a concern. Problems can usually be addressed early if schools and parents/carers work together. The school ...
Elective Home Education (EHE) is a term used to describe parents/carers' decisions to provide education for their children at home instead of school.