The collective of workers of the Semiautomatic Washing Machine Workshop of Florida, led by Tomás Marrero Acosta, Tomasito, ...
Among the Camagüey municipalities with the highest incidence rate of dengue fever, Florida is currently in third place, but ...
A novel process so important in the socioeconomic life of the Cuban people as bankarization, demands a more effective ...
Florida, Oct. 1 - The delegates of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in Florida elected Daynelis Fernández Hernández ...
The combative preparation for the defense of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Homeland can never be neglected ...
To continue the work in the community of San Emilio for the detection and elimination of the Giant African Snail was the call ...
The results of the past school year and the 2024 summer program stand out among the topics evaluated by the Florida delegates ...
Florida, Sep. 28 - The farmer Julian Diaz Torres, from the farm "La Caridad", linked to La Unidad Empresarial de Base, San ...
Residents in the rural communities of La Porfuerza and La Jagua suffer damages in the electric service after the occurrence ...
The current volume of water in Muñoz Dam of Florida is estimated at around 14 million cubic meters, which represents only 12 ...