Lula also criticized Israel's justification of retaliation for the attacks, stating that war is "proof of civilizational ...
Supreme Court President assures that Alexandre de Moraes acts with the support of his colleagues and acknowledges the ...
Journalist Nathalia Urban, TV 247 correspondent in the United Kingdom, unfortunately did not survive her injuries and passed ...
247 - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva criticized rich countries on Tuesday (24) and defended the rights of indigenous ...
President Lula recalled a statement by the pastor, who used social media to summon Bolsonaro supporters to a rally in São ...
Itamaraty also deplored statements from Israeli authorities in favor of military operations and the occupation of parts of ...
The Court stated that the deadline given by Minister Alexandre de Moraes for X to prove the legality of the new legal ...
Receba as notícias do Brasil 247 e da TV 247 no Telegram do 247 e no canal do 247 no WhatsApp. 247 - During a press ...
247 – O movimento palestino Hamas chamou nesta terça-feira (1) o ataque com mísseis do Irã contra Israel de uma "mensagem ...
Presidente dos EUA e sua equipe discutiram medidas de defesa e proteção a Israel horas antes de mísseis iranianos atingirem o ...
Até o momento, não houve vítimas fatais no ataque de mísseis do Irã contra Israel, exceto por ferimentos leves, informou o ...
247 - Os Estados Unidos estão atualmente ajudando Israel a se defender de um ataque de mísseis iranianos e estão prontos para ...