Articles The Funnel of Righteousness Peter Worley tells us how to be right, righter, rightest. We enjoy being right. There ...
Articles Why is Freedom So Important To Us? John Shand explains why free will is basic to humanity. Much has been written ...
A Philosopher For Our Times Susan Andrews parallels Taylor Swift with Aristotle and Socrates. Is Taylor Swift a philosopher ...
Students of the literature about the mind may recognize this fable as a metaphor for the way a certain school of ...
This site uses cookies to recognize users and allow us to analyse site usage. By continuing to browse the site with cookies ...
“Ah yes, the ecstasy of sneezing.” (Søren Kierkegaard Papers, p.225) ...
A central problem with consciousness is understanding why there is anything it is like to be you, to have the perceptions and experiences that you do. It is a hard problem indeed, but philosophers are ...
Some philosophers, in part inspired by enactivism, have embraced the so-called ‘extended mind hypothesis’, according to which ...