Don't Worry About It, The Boys Got Me is a line spoken in a viral TikTok clip in which a boy is seen making a basketball ...
Underground Transgender Mafia refers to a fake quote attributed by a satirical account to the British politician and Former Prime Minster Liz Truss. The fa ...
Parkour Civilization is a 2023 and 2024 Minecraft YouTube series told from the perspective of a "parkour noob" striving to ...
Godot Engine Blocking Controversy refers to a controversy surrounding the community manager for the game engine Godot ...
Non-Linear Storytelling refers to a video editing trend where the punchline of a humorous clip is foreshadowed in the form of brief glimpses as the video p ...
The Government Wants Him Killed On Sight refers to an image macro meme featuring a picture of an orangutan wearing a hat and ...