Like the proverbial boomerang, the subject of migration is back taking centre stage at this week’s European Council summit in ...
Schule versus reales Leben: Wie bereitet man Schüler auf das 21. Jahrhundert vor? Klima & Umwelt ...
UE walczy o uratowanie przemysłu samochodowego: Europejski przemysł samochodowy nękany wieloma problemami (1) Przepychanki i Schengen w Strasburgu Społeczeństwo ...
Car sales are down in Europe and it’s getting harder for car manufacturers to switch to electric cars. In July 2024, the German car manufacturer Audi – owned by the Volkswagen Group – announced that ...
Whatever the election outcome, the United States will remain the EU’s most natural partner – but the relationship is bound to change. Click on the button to load the content from Spotify. The European ...
Orbán addressed the European Parliament on Wednesday (9 October), presenting the priorities of his country’s EU Council presidency, which we’re already halfway through. Said priorities include ...
La UE lucha por salvar la industria automovilística | La industria automovilística europea, acosada por múltiples problemas (1) Refriegas y Schengen en Estrasburgo Sociedad ...
Niczym przysłowiowy bumerang, temat migracji ponownie znalazł się w centrum uwagi podczas odbywającego się w tym tygodniu szczytu Rady Europejskiej w Brukseli.
L’UE se bat pour sauver l’industrie automobile | L’industrie automobile européenne en proie à de multiples difficultés (première partie) Bagarres et Schengen à Strasbourg Société ...
EU kämpft um die Rettung der Autoindustrie : Europäische Autoindustrie von zahlreichen Problemen geplagt (1) Handgemenge und Schengen in Straßburg Gesellschaft ...
In its foreign policy, the EU has to perform a delicate balancing act between ensuring its security, both economically and militarily, and preserving its identity. Click on the button to load the ...