AI improves cosmological parameter estimation, enhancing understanding of the universe’s expansion and structure. The ...
In "Towards Human-Level Artificial Intelligence," Eitan Michael Azoff proposes that cracking the neural code and emulating ...
A UC Riverside team has found bacteria that break down "forever chemicals" in water, potentially leading to cost-effective ...
Research links the rapid extinction of dwarf megafauna on Cyprus to early human settlers, whose hunting practices decimated ...
Work could lead to the discovery of new therapeutic targets. For the first time, researchers have identified "molecular ...
Researchers have pioneered a method to efficiently synthesize critical chemical bonds directly from atmospheric nitrogen, a ...
Volunteers just completed a 45-day Mars simulation at Johnson Space Center, testing human responses to deep space conditions ...
Greenland's ice melt has doubled in frequency since the mid-20th century, leading to significant global and regional climate ...
Recent research attributes the sharp increase in global methane emissions between 2020 and 2022 to greater inundation in ...
A new system developed at the University of Michigan efficiently produces ethylene from CO2, paving the way for future ...
An investigation has uncovered alarming issues including increased mortality rates, absent safety records, dubious efficacy, ...
The prominence of violinists in orchestras is linked to their role in carrying melodies and balancing the ensemble's sound as ...