The Harvard Art Museums encourage the use of images found on this website for personal, noncommercial use, including educational and scholarly purposes. To request a higher resolution file of this ...
Breenbergh specialized in paintings of Italianate landscapes with shepherds or small figures that enact scenes from the Bible or classical mythology. Here he represents an episode from Ovid’s ...
Chemical Composition: ICP-MS/AAA data from sample, Brass: Point 1: Cu, 79.44; Sn, less than 0.25; Pb, 1.05; Zn, 18; Fe, 0.76; Ni, 0.02; Ag, 0.01; Sb, less than 0.05 ...
This is a dark metal sculpture depicting the head of a horned human like being. There are two horns that extend straight up from the top of the head. There is also a decorative spherical bump ...
On the side of the coin on the left is the head of a man facing right, wearing the skin from an elephant's head, trunk turned up and tusks protruding out, small dots surround the border. The other ...
In front of a tent at right, and a small folding table with written documents, George Washington stands facing us and looking directly at us with a confident expression. His gray hair pulled back, he ...
Degas displayed the wax figure after which this bronze was cast at the sixth impressionist exhibition, in 1881. The only sculpture that he ever presented publicly, the work caused an uproar for its ...
A light-skinned baby with his eyes closed reclines in a padded basket with his head turned toward us. Small golden rays of light radiate from his head. The basket is floating on a river, surrounded by ...
A group of young men in their bathing suits are swimming in a body of water located in the foreground of the scene. On the right-hand side of the foreground, one man is pulling another out of the ...
In a lavish room with ornate tapestries, a young woman with fair skin and long light brown hair lies against cushions on the floor, with only a silk sheet wrapped around her legs. A hookah and a fan ...
Cézanne’s fascination with the complexities of human perception and his desire to transcribe the abstract properties of vision established him as the central figure linking nineteenth-century ...