Long live audio and video fakes. The amount of deepfake fraud is dropping but it is being replaced by video and audio AI ...
Ultra-low power Boffins have emerged from their smoke-filled labs with a flexible programmable chip not made of silicon. IEEE ...
Can’t keep up with demand While many office blocks are empty, Real Estate agents have found a way to rent them to companies ...
Churn out chips of its very own Oracle is close to taking control of Ampere Computing which could mean that it ends up ...
Perfectly safe, nothing to see here, move on please Software King of the World Microsoft is assuring world+dog that the ...
Introduced more bugs A recent Uplevel report found that AI was not the helpful tool developers and their bosses thought it ...
Can run across several data centres China has developed a single generative AI (GAI) model across multiple data centres—a ...
A 6.7-incher with Exynos 2400e SoC Samsung has officially announced its new Galaxy S24 FE smartphone, bringing a larger ...
Hide the low hanging fruit Big Cheeses in the Mozzarella Foundation are the subject of a court case claiming that their Red ...
So Brits will have it expensive The UK is being cheated out of cheap green power because the National Grid says its ageing ...
Free speech only for some According to its transparency report, Elon [look at me] X  has been banning more people than ...
Releases more microcode Chipzilla has said that it has pinpointed the cause of the instability issues affecting its 13th and ...