Judge dismisses 1968 Romeo & Juliet underage nudity lawsuit

Josh Herzog Editor: Michael Suyeda Producers: Rahel Gebreyes, Gabriela Marie Safa Associate Producer: Lea Donenberg Assistant ...
Romeo + Juliet added some major heft to Broadway’s autumn box office last week, with the ecstatically reviewed Blvd. grossing ...
A new revival of "Romeo and Juliet" has started previews on Broadway. There are other productions of the show with new twists ...
What really sells the story of Romeo and Juliet, of course, is the chemistry, the pure passion. Both in their Broadway debuts ...
Orlando Ballet opens its season with a romantic and emotional retelling of “Romeo & Juliet” that doesn’t always strike a ...
Discover a fresh take on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' at Folger Theatre, where a diverse cast and modern staging bring ...