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Regulated by the FCA, we are helping thousands across the UK to make the right decisions about their money, with advice that’s refreshingly frank. As pension and ISA specialists, we have a …
Regulated by the FCA, we are helping thousands across the UK to make the right decisions about their money, with advice that’s refreshingly frank. As pension and ISA specialists, we have a different way to doing things from most, if not all financial advisers. We have a frank, friendly approach and love plain English, which means you will always know exactly where you stand and how your savings are performing. Our service is phone and correspondence based. So conversations happen at a time that suits you, rather than trying to squeeze in a home visit or a trip to someone else’s office. The way we do things means that we can take on more clients and this puts us in a much stronger position to negotiate access to the best performing products out there. It won’t cost you a penny to find out what we think you should do with your savings. And we will clearly state how much it would cost if you ask us to take care of everything for you. The simple fact is: it feels good to help someone out.
You’ve been diligently paying into your pension for years. Now you’re approaching the minimum pension age of 55 and wondering – should I cash in my pension early?
It’s a big decision. On one hand, having a large lump sum of cash can help with any immediate financial needs. But on the other, prematurely...